Monday, 1 February 2016

Adventures in waterclour #1

I've always used pastels, markers or pencils when I sketch, draw and colour. I once tried oil paints years ago when my dad was still alive - he'd learnt to paint in prison and returned to it after a stroke during a triple heart bypass as a form of physical and I suppose mental therapy - but I wasn't patient enough for the drying time. It didn't help that he was really good at it and I wanted to be that good straight away. I was about 10, 11 years old. He died when I was 12 so I never had chance for him to teach me but that drying time and the sheer mess of paint put me off until only last year. (I'm now 29).

So in a recent sale I saw a little pocket set of watercolours and I've been practicing quick, fast paintings. The first is a self portrait that I'm really pleased with. The second is drawn from imagination and hasn't transferred well in photo but I'm pleased with the over all effect. With these my aim is not to over think things and work quickly, keeping each painting under 15 minutes if I can. I've also done some small A4 canvases in acrylics, but I'll share them another time.

Self 17/01/16                                               Weather 01/02/16

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